My journey of self-discovery and awareness expansion began 19 years ago. As usual, I was pushed into this by a personal life drama. I had just divorced my first marriage, which lasted eight years, and despite a new promising (which turned out to be completely different) relationship, I was in a pretty low place with myself. At that time, a good friend took me to Pärnu witch Hans Luik for a liberating breathwork and from there, in a good way, there was no going back. Once you start to notice, it’s impossible not to see.
This journey has opened up in me the talent and skill to support others who are on a similar path.
Through body and energy work, meditation and therapist studies, many constellations and therapies, spiritual practices, satsangs with enlightened ones, journeys in altered states of consciousness and much more, I am now in a completely different place with myself and my life. In a very intense, exciting, bright and enjoyable place. In a place that I could not have dreamed of and which nevertheless continues to develop. Endlessly and magically. Because there are still challenges.
The state I have reached allows me to help, guide and support others who want to understand this world and themselves in it. Who want not only to understand, but to make a real change that would lead them out of suffering and bring them to greater and greater satisfaction and joy of living. Bring them closer to themselves under all the layers of conditioning, wounds and limitations. To freely create their lives in their own truth. To live as themselves.